SmartSearch and Crowd Funding

Remote finance transactions pose a major risk for crowdfunding websites, potentially allowing bogus businesses or investors to conceal proceeds of crime.

By SmartSearch

SmartSearch and Crowd Funding

Remote finance transaction represents a major risk for Crowd Funding websites, with the potential for Bogus Businesses or Investors to conceal the Proceeds of Crime. SmartSeach allows these Businesses to quickly and costs effectively identify clients for AML purposes. SmartSearch is the only AML platform that can verify both Individuals and Corporate Entities, with our Data Partner Experian SmartSearch has access to over one billion data items to verify the process against. SmartSearch has assisted a number of Crowd Funding websites to ensure that they are compliant with the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations.

SmartSearch also has full Sanction/PEP Screening and ongoing monitoring from Dow Jones, which means there is no need for multiple integrations and clients can have all of their AML requirements met in a single platform.

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